Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kolej MASA takes you far...

KOLEJ MASA (Malaysian Academic & Skills Advancement) yang terletak di Pusat Perdagangan Puchong Prima, Puchong Selangor menawarkan program Diploma yang diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan mendapat perakuan Akreditasi oleh Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA).

Antara programe yang ditawarkan: 

1. Diploma Pengurusan Hospitaliti (A 6461)

Kursus Diploma Pengurusan Hospitaliti akan melengkapkan pelajar dengan asas pengurusan operasi sesebuah organisasi khususnya perhotelan, penerbangan, perkapalan, pengurusan majlis, agensi pelancongan dan pelbagai lagi. Kursus Diploma Hospitaliti di Kolej MASA membolehkan pelajar melancong sambil belajar dan praktikal di mana praktikalnya adalah BERBAYAR di dalam dan luar negara(minimum USD 1800) serta JAMINAN KERJAYA setelah tamat praktikal. 

1.i. Praktikal Dalam Negara antaranya di Andaman Langkawi, Resort World Genting dan hotel-hotel yang lain bertaraf 5 bintang.

1.ii. Praktikal Luar Negara antaranya di Valencia-Spain,Singapore,China,Macau dan Walt Disney Florida USA.

Antara bidang kerjaya lepasan Pengurusan Hospitaliti;
Hotel, Airline, Event Management, Cruise Line, Tour&Travel, Conferences, Wedding Planners, Restaurateur.

2. Diploma Teknologi Maklumat ( DIT A 6464)

Kursus Diploma Teknologi Maklumat pula akan melengkapkan pelajar dengan pengetahuan teori serta mendedahkan pelajar kepada amalan industri IT terkini melalui latihan praktikal dan pensijilan professional yang memenuhi permintaan dunia perniagaan. Kelebihan Diploma IT di Kolej MASA ialah pelajar akan diberi pilihan pengkhususan. Pengkhusuan biasanya dibuat di peringkat Sarjana Muda. Situasi ini akan memberi kelebihan kepada pelajar di mana mereka mahir atau major dalam pengkhususan yang dipilih.

* Berikut adalah pengkhususan/majoring dalam bidang IT di Kolej MASA:
i. Sistem Rangkaian
ii. Sekuriti
iii. E-Perdagangan
iv. Grafik
v. Multimedia 
vi. Kejuruteraan Informasi
vii. Kejuruteraan Sistem
viii. Kejuruteraan Perisian

Antara peluang kerjaya yang cerah dalam bidang IT;
DNA Engineer(Medicine)/ Biomedical Engineer(Medicine)/ Chemical Engineer(Oil)/ Flutones Engineer(Gas)/ Software Programmers/ Network System Analyst/ Multimedia Developer/ Software Technologist/ Security Engineer/ IT Auditor/ Network Engineer/ System Administrator/ IT Project Manager/ B2B:B2C Engineer/ Application Consultant/ System Engineer/ Database Administrator dan lain-lain lagi.

3. Diploma Sekuriti Komputer & Forensik (DCSF PA 10576)

Diploma Komputer Forensik (DCSF), dibangunkan bertujuan untuk melahirkan pakar-pakar forensik  yang mempunyai pengetahuan dalam proses undang-undang dan siasatan, dan mahir dalam bidang pengkomputeran, terutama keselamatan.

Komputer Forensik adalah kajian pengesanan dan penyiasatan jenayah yang dilakukan pada atau melalui komputer dan rangkaian komputer. Contoh aktiviti jenayah komputer berkaitan termasuk penipuan, pornografi, gangguan, kesalahan hak cipta, jenayah terancang dan penyalahgunaan komputer. Untuk meningkatkan kesedaran polis kepentingan bukti yang berasaskan komputer dalam kes-kes jenayah, terdapat keperluan yang berkembang untuk profesional komputer dengan kebolehan untuk mengendalikan bahan-bahan yang sensitif dan tidak dapat diganti dengan pasti, untuk menyiasat bahan-bahan tersebut dalam cara yang sesuai, dan kemudian untuk menyediakan yang sesuai laporan kepada kakitangan undang-undang. Oleh itu, peluang pekerjaan dalam bidang  forensik komputer adalah sangat luas

4. Diploma  Pentadbiran Korporat (PBKD A 6463)

Melalui program-program di atas, pelajar akan mempelajari pelbagai peranan dan tanggungjawab dalam sesebuah organisasi. Selain daripada mata pelajaran wajib LAN, pelajar akan didedahkan kepada subjek yang akan menyediakan mereka dengan pengetahuan terkini dan kemahiran yang diperlukan supaya mereka boleh mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran serta-merta selepas tamat pengajian. Sepanjang program, mata pelajaran yang berkaitan akan diajar untuk membolehkan pelajar mengetahui pelbagai aspek pengetahuan korporat dan keperluan yang berkaitan dengan sesebuah organisasi.
Objektif program
  • Program ini bertujuan untuk melengkapkan pelajar dengan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap yang akan membolehkan mereka untuk membuat sumbangan ketara dan menghadapi cabaran baru dalam dunia korporat.
  • Program ini juga akan membolehkan pelajar untuk mengetahui pelbagai aspek pengetahuan pentadbiran.
  • Graduan akan mengamalkan etika kerja yang baik, boleh untuk menggalakkan moral dan tingkah laku yang baik dan akan terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka.
  • Mereka akan membuat penyesuaian kepada perubahan baru di tempat kerja. Para graduan akan mempunyai kemahiran keusahawanan untuk menyediakan diri mereka untuk menghadapi pelbagai cabaran di hadapan mereka dalam dunia korporat.

 5. Diploma Kesetiausahaan Eksekutif (DES A 6462)

     Diploma Kesetiausahaan Eksekutif mempunyai objektif-objektif berikut:
  • Untuk memberikan pelajar dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk melaksanakan fungsi setiausaha eksekutif dengan tahap kecekapan yang lebih tinggi.
  • Untuk menyemai profesionalisme dan budaya berorientasikan perkhidmatan proaktif dalam setiap pelajar yang graduan untuk menjadi setiausaha eksekutif
  • Untuk menggalakkan penyelesaian masalah  dalam semua graduan setiausaha eksekutif bagi membolehkan mereka memperolehi kemahiran sosial dan kemahiran pengurusan yang cemerlang.
  • Untuk melahirkan graduan yang profesional, terlatih dan mahir untuk melaksanakan fungsi setiausaha eksekutif yang memenuhi keperluan yang sentiasa berubah dan mencabar.

  • Syarat kemasukan adalah minima 3 kredit (SPM) termasuk lulus bahasa melayu dan mesti kredit dalam Matematik untuk Diploma IT. Kecuali diploma sekuriti komputer dan forensik 5 kredit termasuk Matematik dan lulus bahasa melayu
  •    Asrama percuma disediakan sepanjang tempoh pembelajaran.
  •  Pinjaman dan bantuan pendidikan di sediakan seperti Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional(PTPTN)/BAITULMAL(Kuala Lumpur)/Zakat Negeri/KWSP. Tiada yuran tambahan(hidden cost) sepanjang pengajian. Semua kursus adalah selama 2thn 6bln. 

  • Kami membantu pelajar untuk mendapatkan perkerjaan yang mencabar selari dengan misi kami sebagai sebuah instutusi pengajian tinggi di mana pelajar kami dilengkapkan dengan pengetahuan dan penguasaan terkini yang diperlukan dalam dunia industri dan korporat.
  • *Percuma tiket penerbangan kepada 100 pendaftaran yang pertama.*

Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempah tempat anda segera, sila hubungi atau sms Cik Gelly Majuri  di talian 016-5865891

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Long Distance Relationship by Manali Vaish

Handling a relationship and keeping it going smooth all your life is a difficult task and when you attach long distance with the relationship, it becomes all the more difficult to manage it. Dating someone who lives miles away from you is not easy as it seems. You miss your partner whenever you are happy or sad. You miss telling him interesting stories and most important you don't know if your partner is loyal to you and what he is doing behind your back.

Sometimes during the initial stages of the relationship, the bond is so strong that you can easily trust your partner if he is sitting miles away. But often due to something that happened in the past, your trust in your partner is not that strong and you find it difficult to trust him when he is staying away from you.

What can you do to build trust in a long distance relationship?
Here are some tips to help you make your bond stronger while you stay apart.

Make regular calls to each other: Fix a time for call each day. Make sure you call up your partner at that time. You can even fix days when you should call and when your partner must call. If you follow the timings, you would be sure of receiving the call of your partner.

Talk to him about your entire day and ask him about his: When you are not staying in the same country, you don't know the routine of your partner. Share your personal routine and details about what all happened today. Sharing such small details keeps you connected with each other and you feel closer to each other. Also you do not miss sharing minute details with your partner.

Talk about people in your life: You must have made new friends or colleagues. Both the partners must include the names of all those related with their lives in their conversation. Even if you feel that your partner would feel insecure, you must speak about it because it will make your partner trust you even more. The more honest you are, the more your partner will trust you.

Give random calls and messages: On days when you cannot talk at specified time, give your partner a call to inform about the same. Also making random calls once a week and messaging during the day will make your partner feel that you are thinking about him. This is a good way of developing more trust in your relationship.

Meet each other over the weekend: Make plans of visiting each other over the weekend or spending vacations together. This helps strengthen the bond and also eliminates any doubt of you spending more time with some one else.

Do not cheat: It is important to not think about cheating on your partner simply because he/she isn't there to check on you. It is also about your integrity. Think about you being cheated by your partner in the same way. Even if you have to make a new partner, break-up with the current one first to go ahead with the new one. Do not indulge in first dating the second one and then telling the fist one about break-up.

Love is greatest is not about finding the right person but how you build it until the end-gelly majuri

5 Years From Now?

Have you imagined your life 5 years from now? What would you be doing in 2015? Would you be successful? Would you achieve the goals you have? Would you reach the dreams you have in your heart?

Future is something we can create.
We may not know what lies ahead of us but we will always have a choice of what kind of life we like to have. Whichever dreams you dream about, you have the power to make it into fruition. It's a matter of making wise choices in life.

I expect a number of objections here. You may say it depends on what circumstances will be down the road. But let me tell you this, the most successful people in this world don't rely on circumstances. They create events. They take calculated risks. They take as many chances as they can. They are brave enough to make mistakes because they know they're part of their journey to success. They know what exactly they want in life and they put their head and heart with their specified objectives to attain their goals. They don't just dream for the sake of dreaming but they do have clear vision as to what type of person they will be in the future. They know the reason of their existence. They live with a divine purpose. They don't waste their time on just improving the external package but they spend time working on the inside because they know character is something they can carry through their lives and inspire people. They want to be successful because they want to help other people succeed. They know the first in the list of their priorities-God. Although they're at the prime of their chosen path, they know everything was only possible because of God who strengthens them.

So I challenge you to realize the deepest desires God has planted in your heart. Dream big. Dreams are free. Chase after your dreams. Make them happen. The most gratifying thing is doing things other people think you can't do. You prove them wrong. You will be a breakthrough. You will inspire many. They will look up to you and say, "He/She did it. Therefore, I can do it either." You won't notice 5 years will pass. Would you want to let another 5 years in your life be put into waste? Or would you invest your time with people? Relationships bring you a step closer to your dream. Look for mentors. If you want to be rich, be with the rich people. If you want to be wise, be with the wise people. I don't know what you want to be in the next 5 years or so, but we all dream to have a better future. Take action. Take charge of your life. Choose to be a better employee, a more loving son/daughter, a more understanding parent or simply a better individual. That's why God gave you the freedom to choose. Stop blaming others of what happens to you. Acknowledge your mistakes. Look forward to a new life and a new you. Do all things out of love and drop the fear. Put God first and you'll never go wrong. Whatever life leads you, don't forget to enjoy the journey.

I hope to see you successful, blessed in every area of your life, helping other people succeed in 5 years. I believe everyone has the power to make things happen. I hope you would choose making other people breathe easier because you exist. Believe in your potentials as God does. You are God's masterpiece. Bring out the best in you. In time, you can say I no longer live but God lives in me."What do you believe in?"

successful person is never give up!!-gelly majuri

The 4 Letter Word That You Should Use Every Day

Whenever someone mentions a 4 letter word these days, my guesses are it isn't this one that comes to mind. They are creeping more and more into mainstream. Turn on a radio station or even watch a movie and the chances are fairly high that you will hear one.

But there is another 4 letter word in the English language that has the ability to transform your life. Granted it doesn't fit into the same category as the ones I was referring to above, which is a good thing as this one has more power. It has the power to heal wounds; it has the power to brighten someone's day.

Interestingly enough it doesn't get used enough. If you knew one little word, if used constantly could not only transform the life of others but yours as well would you use it?

So what is this magical word anyway?


By now you may be thinking and feeling a little incredulous. Love is that it? Yes it is but you may be thinking of it in the wrong way. This isn't about romantic love. While romantic love certainly is part of this love, you will soon discover it is so much more.

What I am talking about here is real love, true love, that true appreciation and understanding. It is unconditional, forgiving, compassionate, giving. It is kind and grateful.

Think about something or someone you love. Not in a romantic way (although it most certainly could be the same person) in the way described above. Perhaps it is a baby, a child, a pet. Think about those feelings for a moment; let them well up inside you. It is a feeling after all, so be sure to feel it.

How good do you feel? Awesome, isn't it?

Can you imagine what tapping into that everyday would do?

Perhaps you do feel this way for the things you love in your life everyday. Perhaps you even say those words, I love you. But do you say it to the most important person in the world?

Most important person? Who is that?

The most important person in your life is YOU. When was the last time you told yourself that you love you? This isn't about conceit. Conceit is when you think you're the only one with strengths and everyone else inferior to you. Loving yourself is being confident in yourself, knowing your strengths, appreciating them, appreciating you.

One of the most powerful techniques is to stand in front of a mirror everyday and say "I love you." That is great but how much would you like it to be better than great. If you had the chance to knock this out of the ball park, would you do it?

Take out a piece of paper and write down ten things you appreciate and love about yourself. They could be physical features, they could be characteristics or they could be they way you handle yourself. They could be a combination of all of the above or even more. Can't think of ten things, keeping trying, they are there you only have to look for them. But if you are drawing a blank, write as many as you can. I would strongly suggest that you find five. If you can't, then you aren't looking hard enough.

Doing this practice takes a couple of minutes, so doing it twice a day will have a tremendous effect. Once is good, but twice better. Stand in front of a mirror, close the door so you won't be disturbed. Look yourself in the eye when you say this. At first you may feel uncomfortable, you may even cry. That's OK and all perfectly normal. If you are like most people you probably haven't ever said anything like this to yourself. Whatever happens, allow it to be OK; because it is.

Say your name, then say I love you and I really appreciate.... (fill in the ten things off your list). Allow the feelings well up inside. Allow yourself to love yourself. Allow yourself to appreciate yourself.Try it and see what happens. You will be amazed.

born to be inspire-gelly majuri