Thursday, July 15, 2010

12 Easy Steps to Becoming a Happier Person

"Being miserable is a habit. Being happy is a habit. The choice is yours."-Tom Hopkins

Happiness is a choice, yet many will never choose it. I find this odd because I have never met anyone who said they didn't want to be happy.

Here are 12 Easy Steps To Becoming Happier Today:

1) Decide To Be Happy. This is the beginning point of your search for happiness. You cannot be happy if you don't decide to be happy. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." So it's time to make up your mind.
"The joyfulness of a man prolongation his days."

2) Wake Up Happy. Start your day off on a positive note. Before you even open your eyes, remind yourself that you have a desire to be happy today. Spring out of bed. Increase the tempo of your movements. Be glad to be alive. Listen to music that gets you up and going. Sing in the shower. Have breakfast with someone who is positive and optimistic.

3) Don't Let Anything Ruin Your Day. I haven't had a bad day in years and it is because I have trained myself to be happy and you can too. I may have bad moments but not an entire day of it. If you stay mindful of being consciously happy from the onset of your day, you'll be surprised at how things will start working out for the better.

4) Get Involved. Spend time with family and friends; that is, providing your family and friends are good for you. If not, seek out people who will nourish you with hope, laughter, and encouragement. Strive to do the same for them in return."We cannot hold a torch to light another path without brightening our own."-Ben Sweetland

5) Smile. This automatically makes you feel happier. Smile for no reason at all other than the notion that it is in your best interest. Most people believe they need a reason and then they can't seem to think of one.

6) Strive To Be Pleasant Towards Others. I've always been told that you can't make someone else happy. Technically, that is true, but we sure do believe that they can make us angry. Some people will resist you & your happiness, but most will be influenced by your actions. Greet people warmly and with kindness. I encourage you to believe you can make others happy and set a course to do so.

7) Forgive Yourself For Past Mistakes. We've all made mistakes but some of us are held prisoner by our mistakes. It's hard to enjoy today if you are stuck in the past. Let go of this burden and move on with your life.

8) Fill Your Mind With Thoughts of Happiness. You tend to become what you think about. I know negative things exist and I keep an eye on that reality but I put my primary focus on the happiness I want instead of the things I don't want. Norman Vincent Peale says that you change your world by changing your thoughts. Think Happy.

9) Use Upbeat Language. Avoid language that lets the air out of your tire. Instead of saying, "I HAVE to go to work or school today" say, "I GET to go to work or school today". A lot of people would like to have your job or the opportunity to get an education.

10) Be Poised. Pay attention to how you carry yourself. Angry people as well as negative and anxious people have a certain body language. What does your body language say about you? If you want to be happy then walk, sit, and stand like you think a happy person would carry themselves.

11) Live in the Present. Strive to enjoy every moment of your life. You cannot change the past and you have no control over what the future may bring. You can, however, have control of your present. Be more aware of this moment.

12) Be Thankful. Most people focus on what they want or what they don't have. Learn to appreciate the blessings that God has given to you. Your health, your family, friends & the ability to laugh. I wonder how long your list would be if you were to write down the things you are grateful for. After all, it is Thanksgiving.

Happiness is like a butterfly,the more you chase it,the more it will elude you but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder-Gelly Majuri

Mental Well-Being

What is good mental health? According to WHO (World Health Organization), mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Having a healthy and sound mind is not something you have but something you have got to work on. Just as we need to eat the right things and exercise regularly to feel well physically, we also need to look after our mental well-being.

Feeling good about us is great, but do not take your mental well-being lightly. There could be encounters in life which could result in serious depression and sadness. This could result in mental ill health. Cropping up from common problems like stress and anxiety it could manifest in to problems like personality disorders. Since each individual has a different way of thinking and processing life's instances, we cannot always predict the cure. The treatment varies by the individual. Train your focus on self and look for opportunities to create a healthy mind, body and spirit.

If you are unable to accept yourself, you feel undervalued. In your social life, you could be wreck because of fear of rejection. Do not fall in that trap as you are the most valuable asset to yourself. You must enjoy every relationship to feel good about yourself. Don't feel sad or dejected during bad and tough times. Promise yourself that time will bring good tidings.

We have all grown up with a set of ideas about our existence. Each of us has a different story about lives and is extremely unique. With the belief that things function a certain way, we find it very hard to accept change as we grow older. Let us break away the shackles of negative thoughts and acquire the desire of being a healthy individual - mind and body.

Two important things to generate a healthy environment for mental growth are:

- Foods affect our moods a lot. Eating different foods can create fluctuations in our temperament. It is advisable to have healthy foods for the "feel good" factor.

- Exercise improves our mental well-being. Regular work out will boost self-confidence pump you up.

If taking vitamins doesn't keep you healthy enough, try more laughter: The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed.Gelly Majuri

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Facing Your Fears - Steps to a More Confident, Fearless You!

Fear keeps us safe. It keeps us from taking risks. Too many people allow fear to keep them from improving their lives.

To be self confident you must believe you can change and succeed despite your fears. This is essential for you to live a successful and fulfilling life.

Being afraid is a pretty strong emotion. Sometimes when we feel fear we may not even know why. Funnily enough it is not always the fear of failure that stops us taking risks - it is the fear of success that paralyzes us. Many of us just fear jumping out of our comfort zone.

If you are feeling fearful about a situation, stop and ask yourself why you are feeling this fear and what is the worst thing that could happen in this situation?

Will the sky fall in? Will somebody die? If you are thinking logically at this point you will know that the worst-case situation isn't as bad as you think it is!

On the other hand what do you have to win? Make a list of possible outcomes.

Fear can paralyze your ability to make decisions and when that happens it's time to assess this from a logical viewpoint.

Once you have assessed the best and the worst possible outcomes, then it is time to have a look at your options and determine if your fear is unfounded. If you find it is, then maybe now is the time to face that fear.

Now is probably the time to ask for support from friends, family, mentors, colleagues, or anyone who you feel will be to help you fight your fear.

Before you embark on your fear-fighting journey, congratulate yourself for seeing your fear for what it is, which is probably something not worth fearing in most cases!

Many of us have fears that have nothing to do with our abilities or experiences. They are just feelings conjured up in our minds when we are facing situations new and "scary" to us. Many people, after facing their fear, realize they had nothing to fear in the first place!

So get out there and face those fears! What's the worst thing that could happen?

If you want some further help in improving your confidence or self esteem, here's what you must do next...

Sign up straight away for your free copy of Boost Your Confidence, Change Your Life! [], which is your ticket to to a wonderful, fulfilling and successful life.

Based on Michelle article.Michelle is a Life Coach who really understands how debilitating it can be to suffer from low confidence and self esteem, and to come out of it much stronger, smarter and happier. Visit for more information.