Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Facing Your Fears - Steps to a More Confident, Fearless You!

Fear keeps us safe. It keeps us from taking risks. Too many people allow fear to keep them from improving their lives.

To be self confident you must believe you can change and succeed despite your fears. This is essential for you to live a successful and fulfilling life.

Being afraid is a pretty strong emotion. Sometimes when we feel fear we may not even know why. Funnily enough it is not always the fear of failure that stops us taking risks - it is the fear of success that paralyzes us. Many of us just fear jumping out of our comfort zone.

If you are feeling fearful about a situation, stop and ask yourself why you are feeling this fear and what is the worst thing that could happen in this situation?

Will the sky fall in? Will somebody die? If you are thinking logically at this point you will know that the worst-case situation isn't as bad as you think it is!

On the other hand what do you have to win? Make a list of possible outcomes.

Fear can paralyze your ability to make decisions and when that happens it's time to assess this from a logical viewpoint.

Once you have assessed the best and the worst possible outcomes, then it is time to have a look at your options and determine if your fear is unfounded. If you find it is, then maybe now is the time to face that fear.

Now is probably the time to ask for support from friends, family, mentors, colleagues, or anyone who you feel will be to help you fight your fear.

Before you embark on your fear-fighting journey, congratulate yourself for seeing your fear for what it is, which is probably something not worth fearing in most cases!

Many of us have fears that have nothing to do with our abilities or experiences. They are just feelings conjured up in our minds when we are facing situations new and "scary" to us. Many people, after facing their fear, realize they had nothing to fear in the first place!

So get out there and face those fears! What's the worst thing that could happen?

If you want some further help in improving your confidence or self esteem, here's what you must do next...

Sign up straight away for your free copy of Boost Your Confidence, Change Your Life! [http://selfconfidence101.com/category/productsservices], which is your ticket to to a wonderful, fulfilling and successful life.

Based on Michelle article.Michelle is a Life Coach who really understands how debilitating it can be to suffer from low confidence and self esteem, and to come out of it much stronger, smarter and happier. Visit http://selfconfidence101.com for more information.

1 comment:

  1. xda org y xpnh rasa takut..same like me jg.takut kehilangn...especially in ur family.even life so hard but i will keep motivate not 4 myself but 4 person who always beside me.I'm more stronger than yesterday and always stronger...
