We live in an age of tension, and there's no doubt that most of it comes from the fast pace of society, and the pressure many of us feel as we try to get ahead (or just keep our heads above water). Without realizing it, most people go about their day in a state of tension that seems normal to them. They don't know what relaxation is, or means, and they don't know that aside from making you feel nervous and anxious, it can also cause long-term problems for your health. Not only is it hard on your heart, but it also causes insomnia, high blood pressure, fatigue, depression and many other things.
Learning to relax can therefore help you immensely. In fact, it can change your life. You might not think of it as such, but tension is actually a habit -- a particularly bad habit. But with a little practise it can be changed into a good habit, namely relaxation. You can be relaxed and feel great throughout the day, day after day.
Tension can hit any part of the body, but it's most common in your jaw, shoulders, neck and eyes, so it's a good idea to concentrate on them. This doesn't mean that there's no tension in other parts of your body. There is, and you should also get rid of it.
Tension arises primarily from the things that go on in your mind -- your thoughts. But strangely, to get rid of it, you have to concentrate on your muscles, and there are four basic techniques for relaxing them. They are:
Deep breathing
Direct muscle relaxation
Other things also help, but I will concentrate on these four.
Deep breathing is closely associated with meditation, but I'll leave the discussion of meditation to others. For deep breathing you have to begin by learning to breathe properly. Most people breathe shallowly within their chest; for "deep breathing' you have to learn to breathe from your abdomen. This means that you abdomen should be moving in and out, and not your chest. Also important is closing your mind and paying attention only to your breathing. All of us have little "conversations" going on in our mind most of the time. You can't relax if your mind is cluttered. So keep it blank and concentrate on your breathing.
A comfortable chair is also important and you should make sure your clothing is loose and comfortable. Loosen your collar and belt. Relax... think of your body as an old sock. Start by breathing smoothly, with your abdomen moving in and out; gradually deepen your breathing as you allow each breath to flow smoothly to the next. Increase it until you are breathing deeply, then gradually decease it. Continue doing this for 10 or 15 minutes.
The above can be coupled with direct muscle relaxation. There are two forms of this. In the first, usually referred to as passive relaxation, you start with the tip of your head and progressively relax each part of your body, one at a time. Think about it, then relax it. Start with your eyes and jaw -- relax them; let them hang heavy and drop as you concentrate on your breathing. Then move down to your neck and shoulders. Continue with your arms, mid-section and legs.
An alternative to this is progressive muscle relaxation. In this case you tense each part of the body, then release it and relax it. Again, you can start anywhere (usually with your head) and move through your body as above.
Music is also helpful in releasing tension. Again, sit in a chair and make yourself comfortable. Put some relaxing music on your stereo or ipod. It's important to find music that is relaxing to you (and this will differ significantly from person to person, depending to a large degree on your age). As you sit back let the music wash over you, and again, focus on your breathing, and try to keep your mind clear. Just listen to the music; feel yourself relax as you listen to it. Let yourself float with the music -- let it wash over you.
It's also helpful to combine this with another technique called visualization (it can be combined with music or done alone). The idea is to focus your mind on a relaxing image. For each of us this will be different. Laying on a warm beach watching the clouds drifting overhead, or the waves rolling in, is calming to most people. Sitting near a stream watching it flow by, listening to the sound it makes, is calming to others. Thinking about a particularly happy family gathering is also enjoyable and calming to many.
Find something that works for you and use it. Make the scene come alive in your mind. Pretend you're there; enjoy the sensations, smell the aroma, feel the sun on your face.
Relaxation techniques of the above type should be used each day. Select one, or a combination of the above, and spend 5 or 10 minutes doing it. You can even do it at odd moments when you have time during the day -- even a few minutes is helpful. You'll soon find it has become a habit, and it will help you feel much better and more relaxed.
What we are today is result of our own past actions.Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions.Decide how you have to act now. We are responsible for what we are, whatever we wish ourselves to be. We have the power to make ourselves.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Six Ways to Create Strong Relationships
Ask anyone what's most important in their life, and chances are you'll hear that it's their family, their spouse, their children or their friends.
People matter most.
At least that's what we believe in our hearts and what we want our lives to be about. But unless we put action behind our sentiment, we'll more likely feel regret instead of content at the end of the year or our lives.
It takes intention, determination, and skill to go about everyday life in ways that build relationship. But living otherwise is gambling that there will be a tomorrow, a time other than this present moment when we'll be able to ask for forgiveness - or extend it - and shower our attention on loved ones to make up for missed opportunities. Why risk it? Why resist it? Relationships are the main source of happiness in life, and you can build relationships that matter in minutes a day.
Here are six tips to C-R-E-A-T-E stronger relationships this year:
C is for COMMIT: Make a decision to commit yourself fully to all of the relationships in your life. If you can't, that's all the answer you need. Half-hearted is better parted. Whole-hearted is love imparted.
R is for RECOGNIZE: See the person for who they are in their core being. Respond to him or her with that vision firmly in place, and you'll be a harbinger of hope. Recognizing a person's essence empowers us to believe the best about them in every situation, and nine times out of ten, be right about what's going on in their heart.
E is for ENGAGE: Much of our relating is head-to-head. While provocative or stimulating, it's not really relationship-building. Engage heart-to-heart and you'll be creating life-changing connections. Puran & Susanna Bair, authors of "Energize Your Heart," offer this quick tip to get you out of your mind and into your heart: Place your hand over your heart as you speak. The mere act of touching our hearts moves our energy into sincerity and sensitivity. Try it.
A is for ACCEPT: We know we can't change others. But we keep trying, and it's pretty darn annoying. This year, vow to give it up. Consider how your world would feel if you decided that nothing and no one needed to change in order for you to show up in your life as your happy-go-lucky, wonder-filled self.
T is for TRUST: Everyone has inherent wisdom and their own life path. Try trusting that the people in your life, children and spouse included, learn best by doing what's in their hearts to do, even if it looks like a mistake to you. Firsthand experiences are the fastest learning paths. So stop teaching and preaching and get out of the way of your loved ones' learning. Interference just postpones the experiences they need to grow.
E is for ENERGIZE: We get more of whatever we energize, so with every word and action, you are choosing what you want to see more of in your relationships. What we talk about and get excited about, what we put our hearts and souls into connecting about - these are the energizers. So create conversations around how much you appreciate and admire what your loved ones are doing right, what they're not doing wrong, and what that says about who they are.
Put these tips into practice and you'll be living a life that proves your loved ones matters most.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father’s Day Celebration
Father’s Day Celebration
First of all,i want to say thank you for my father Mr.Majuri Masanging for him dedication,support and advice.I'm very glad because I have father like you "pa" even you are very strictly sometime but I now you are very kind person.I love you "pa".Here I will share little information why we celebrate fathers day each year.
The very solicitous and beautiful festival of Father’s Day is celebrated with lot of enjoyable and enthusiasm in countries around the world. Though the date and manner of celebrations differ in several countries what remain visibly same is the spirit of the festival. Everywhere, people take occasion of Fathers Day to express thankfulness for their dad and to tell them how much they are loved and cherished and people also celebrate Father’s Day with their granddad, father-in-law, stepfather, uncle or with any other man who is loving and protective as a father.
What is Fathers Day?
* To wish a father for his unending and self-less duties towards our life, we celebrate fathers day.
* Just like celebrating mother’s day to wish her how special she is in our life, fathers day is also a similar celebration to the expression of male parenting or fatherhood important.
Why Fathers Day is celebrated?
* Fathers Day is celebrated to honor every father and to make father’s realize how special he is in everyone’s life.
The History of Father’s Day:
The history of Father’s Day dates back to 1909, in Spokane, Washington. Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a Mother’s Day sermon, at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church. The lecture inspired her to have a special day dedicated to her father, William Jackson Smart, who had brought her up and her siblings, single-handedly, after their mother died. Sonora could realize the greatness of her father and wanted to let him know how deeply she was touched by his sacrifices, courage, selflessness and love. To pay a tribute to her great dad, Sonora held the first Father’s Day celebration on 19th of June 1910, on the birthday of her father. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father’s Day observance. However, unlike Mother’s Day, which was readily accepted, Father’s Day was received with mockery and hilarity. Though the day was gaining attention, it was mostly for the wrong reasons. Jokes, satire, parody and derision were all that the day was commemorated for. In 1913, a bill in accordance with making the day official was introduced. The idea was approved by US President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. Later, in 1924, the idea gained further momentum as it was supported by President Calvin Coolidge. In 1926, a National Father’s Day Committee was formed in New York City. However, it was thirty years later that a Joint Resolution of Congress gave recognition to Father’s Day. Another 16 years passed before President Richard Nixon established the third Sunday of June, as a permanent national observance day of Father’s Day in 1972. The day was primarily nationalized in the honor of all good fathers, who contribute as much to the family as a mother, in their own ways. Another theory states that even before Dodd came into the picture, Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia is believed to have conducted the first Father’s Day service in 1908 at the Central Church of Fairmont. However, it was the colossal efforts of Dodd, which made it possible for the day to acquire national recognition. The white and red rose was made the official flowers for Father’s Day celebration. While the white rose commemorated gratitude for a father, who was deceased, a red rose expressed thankfulness to one, who was living.
Father’s Day Facts:
Father’s Day is one of the most awaited holidays in the world. It represents the day when we tell our dad how much he means to us and how lucky we are, to have him in our life. Though you don’t need a special occasion to convey all this to him, telling it on Father’s Day can make your daddy feel all the more special. While all of us know that Father’s Day is a day dedicated to dads across the world, not many people are aware of the fact that it originated in the United States of America, that too owing to the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd. Apart from this, there are many other interesting facts related to Father’s Day, almost all of which have been listed in the lines below. Go through them and increase your knowledge about the special day!
Father’s Day Trivia.
* Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, of Spokane, Washington, started the tradition of Father’s Day in the honor of her dad.
* First local Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington.
* In 1916, US President Woodrow Wilson approved the idea of observing an annual Father’s Day.
* In1924, President Calvin Coolidge made Father’s Day a national event.
* In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day.
* Father’s Day is the fifth most popular card-sending holiday, with an estimated $100 million in card sales. Husbands, grandfathers, uncles, sons and sons-in-law are honored as well as father.
Some Quotes about Dad:
“A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.” — Enid Bagnold
“It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all.” — Alice Walker
“None of you can ever be proud enough of being the child of SUCH a Father who has not his equal in this world-so great, so good, so faultless. Try, all of you, to follow in his footsteps and don’t be discouraged, for to be really in everything like him none of you, I am sure, will ever be. Try, therefore, to be like him in some points, and you will have acquired a great deal.” — Victoria, Queen of England
“That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all.” — J. August Strindberg
“It is a wise father that knows his own child.” — William Shakespeare
“It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” — Anne Sexton
“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” — English Proverb
“To be a successful father . . . there’s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don’t look at it for the first two years.” — Ernest Hemingway
“A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.” — Gabriel García Márquez
“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” — Sigmund Freud
“I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example.” — Mario Cuomo
“Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young,
Who loved thee so fondly as he?
He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue,
And joined in thy innocent glee.”
– Margaret Courtney
“If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right.” — Bill Cosby
“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!” — Lydia M. Child
Tribute to Father:
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, “you will live a long life, full of blessing.” And now a word to you fathers. Don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord. Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 2 – 4
Fathers are the biggest source of strength for a child. The innocent eyes of a child perceive father as the all-powerful, most knowledge, truly affectionate and the most important person in the family. For daughters, fathers are the first men they adore and fall in love with. While for sons their fathers are the strongest person they know and someone they aspire to emulate. Even for the grownups fathers are someone whom they look up to for the most experienced and honest advice that is always in the best of our interest. For this great figure in our life that we know as father – it becomes our utmost duty to pay our humblest tribute on the occasion of Father’s Day.
Say Thanks to Dad on Father’s Day
Children blessed with a loving father should consider themselves fortunate. For, they have someone to take care of their needs and interests. Someone to stop them when they are diverting to a wrong path and guide them on a road to success and virtue. For many of us fathers have always been there to solve our innumerous mathematics and science problems and explain the same formula hundredth time or better still until it is understood by us. Fathers would never ever give a smallest of hint to let us know how hard they work to take care of our needs and fulfill even the most whimsical of demands… For all their adorable scolding and affectionate punishments we all owe a big thanks to our Dads.
Apologize to Dad on Father’s Day
Father’s Day also brings with it the wonderful opportunity to apologize for all our rude and insensitive behavior. We as children often take the love and affection of our parents for granted and treat them with outright contempt. We need to apologize. We must feel great to have the presence of loving father in our lives and do not disrespect the blessing of God on us. On Father’s Day we must says “Sorry” to our Dad and seek their forgiveness for our wrong behavior.
Celebrate Father’s Day with Dad
We must make all efforts to celebrate Father’s Day with our Dad. Children staying away from father must especially strive to spend the day with father and show gratitude for all their support and love. We must pamper father by spending the day in a manner he likes most. It could be going out for a picnic or indulging him with a gourmet meal. We can also express love with thoughtful gifts accompanied by a bouquet of his favorite flowers. The idea is to show our affection and tell Daddy how much he is loved and appreciated not just on Father’s Day but every single day of our lives.
happy fathers day to all fathers...from lifeneedmotivation.blogspot.com
First of all,i want to say thank you for my father Mr.Majuri Masanging for him dedication,support and advice.I'm very glad because I have father like you "pa" even you are very strictly sometime but I now you are very kind person.I love you "pa".Here I will share little information why we celebrate fathers day each year.
The very solicitous and beautiful festival of Father’s Day is celebrated with lot of enjoyable and enthusiasm in countries around the world. Though the date and manner of celebrations differ in several countries what remain visibly same is the spirit of the festival. Everywhere, people take occasion of Fathers Day to express thankfulness for their dad and to tell them how much they are loved and cherished and people also celebrate Father’s Day with their granddad, father-in-law, stepfather, uncle or with any other man who is loving and protective as a father.
What is Fathers Day?
* To wish a father for his unending and self-less duties towards our life, we celebrate fathers day.
* Just like celebrating mother’s day to wish her how special she is in our life, fathers day is also a similar celebration to the expression of male parenting or fatherhood important.
Why Fathers Day is celebrated?
* Fathers Day is celebrated to honor every father and to make father’s realize how special he is in everyone’s life.
The History of Father’s Day:
The history of Father’s Day dates back to 1909, in Spokane, Washington. Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a Mother’s Day sermon, at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church. The lecture inspired her to have a special day dedicated to her father, William Jackson Smart, who had brought her up and her siblings, single-handedly, after their mother died. Sonora could realize the greatness of her father and wanted to let him know how deeply she was touched by his sacrifices, courage, selflessness and love. To pay a tribute to her great dad, Sonora held the first Father’s Day celebration on 19th of June 1910, on the birthday of her father. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father’s Day observance. However, unlike Mother’s Day, which was readily accepted, Father’s Day was received with mockery and hilarity. Though the day was gaining attention, it was mostly for the wrong reasons. Jokes, satire, parody and derision were all that the day was commemorated for. In 1913, a bill in accordance with making the day official was introduced. The idea was approved by US President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. Later, in 1924, the idea gained further momentum as it was supported by President Calvin Coolidge. In 1926, a National Father’s Day Committee was formed in New York City. However, it was thirty years later that a Joint Resolution of Congress gave recognition to Father’s Day. Another 16 years passed before President Richard Nixon established the third Sunday of June, as a permanent national observance day of Father’s Day in 1972. The day was primarily nationalized in the honor of all good fathers, who contribute as much to the family as a mother, in their own ways. Another theory states that even before Dodd came into the picture, Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia is believed to have conducted the first Father’s Day service in 1908 at the Central Church of Fairmont. However, it was the colossal efforts of Dodd, which made it possible for the day to acquire national recognition. The white and red rose was made the official flowers for Father’s Day celebration. While the white rose commemorated gratitude for a father, who was deceased, a red rose expressed thankfulness to one, who was living.
Father’s Day Facts:
Father’s Day is one of the most awaited holidays in the world. It represents the day when we tell our dad how much he means to us and how lucky we are, to have him in our life. Though you don’t need a special occasion to convey all this to him, telling it on Father’s Day can make your daddy feel all the more special. While all of us know that Father’s Day is a day dedicated to dads across the world, not many people are aware of the fact that it originated in the United States of America, that too owing to the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd. Apart from this, there are many other interesting facts related to Father’s Day, almost all of which have been listed in the lines below. Go through them and increase your knowledge about the special day!
Father’s Day Trivia.
* Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, of Spokane, Washington, started the tradition of Father’s Day in the honor of her dad.
* First local Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington.
* In 1916, US President Woodrow Wilson approved the idea of observing an annual Father’s Day.
* In1924, President Calvin Coolidge made Father’s Day a national event.
* In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day.
* Father’s Day is the fifth most popular card-sending holiday, with an estimated $100 million in card sales. Husbands, grandfathers, uncles, sons and sons-in-law are honored as well as father.
Some Quotes about Dad:
“A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.” — Enid Bagnold
“It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all.” — Alice Walker
“None of you can ever be proud enough of being the child of SUCH a Father who has not his equal in this world-so great, so good, so faultless. Try, all of you, to follow in his footsteps and don’t be discouraged, for to be really in everything like him none of you, I am sure, will ever be. Try, therefore, to be like him in some points, and you will have acquired a great deal.” — Victoria, Queen of England
“That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all.” — J. August Strindberg
“It is a wise father that knows his own child.” — William Shakespeare
“It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” — Anne Sexton
“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” — English Proverb
“To be a successful father . . . there’s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don’t look at it for the first two years.” — Ernest Hemingway
“A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.” — Gabriel García Márquez
“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” — Sigmund Freud
“I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example.” — Mario Cuomo
“Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young,
Who loved thee so fondly as he?
He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue,
And joined in thy innocent glee.”
– Margaret Courtney
“If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right.” — Bill Cosby
“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!” — Lydia M. Child
Tribute to Father:
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, “you will live a long life, full of blessing.” And now a word to you fathers. Don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord. Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 2 – 4
Fathers are the biggest source of strength for a child. The innocent eyes of a child perceive father as the all-powerful, most knowledge, truly affectionate and the most important person in the family. For daughters, fathers are the first men they adore and fall in love with. While for sons their fathers are the strongest person they know and someone they aspire to emulate. Even for the grownups fathers are someone whom they look up to for the most experienced and honest advice that is always in the best of our interest. For this great figure in our life that we know as father – it becomes our utmost duty to pay our humblest tribute on the occasion of Father’s Day.
Say Thanks to Dad on Father’s Day
Children blessed with a loving father should consider themselves fortunate. For, they have someone to take care of their needs and interests. Someone to stop them when they are diverting to a wrong path and guide them on a road to success and virtue. For many of us fathers have always been there to solve our innumerous mathematics and science problems and explain the same formula hundredth time or better still until it is understood by us. Fathers would never ever give a smallest of hint to let us know how hard they work to take care of our needs and fulfill even the most whimsical of demands… For all their adorable scolding and affectionate punishments we all owe a big thanks to our Dads.
Apologize to Dad on Father’s Day
Father’s Day also brings with it the wonderful opportunity to apologize for all our rude and insensitive behavior. We as children often take the love and affection of our parents for granted and treat them with outright contempt. We need to apologize. We must feel great to have the presence of loving father in our lives and do not disrespect the blessing of God on us. On Father’s Day we must says “Sorry” to our Dad and seek their forgiveness for our wrong behavior.
Celebrate Father’s Day with Dad
We must make all efforts to celebrate Father’s Day with our Dad. Children staying away from father must especially strive to spend the day with father and show gratitude for all their support and love. We must pamper father by spending the day in a manner he likes most. It could be going out for a picnic or indulging him with a gourmet meal. We can also express love with thoughtful gifts accompanied by a bouquet of his favorite flowers. The idea is to show our affection and tell Daddy how much he is loved and appreciated not just on Father’s Day but every single day of our lives.
happy fathers day to all fathers...from lifeneedmotivation.blogspot.com
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