Thursday, June 24, 2010

Six Ways to Create Strong Relationships

Ask anyone what's most important in their life, and chances are you'll hear that it's their family, their spouse, their children or their friends.

People matter most.

At least that's what we believe in our hearts and what we want our lives to be about. But unless we put action behind our sentiment, we'll more likely feel regret instead of content at the end of the year or our lives.

It takes intention, determination, and skill to go about everyday life in ways that build relationship. But living otherwise is gambling that there will be a tomorrow, a time other than this present moment when we'll be able to ask for forgiveness - or extend it - and shower our attention on loved ones to make up for missed opportunities. Why risk it? Why resist it? Relationships are the main source of happiness in life, and you can build relationships that matter in minutes a day.

Here are six tips to C-R-E-A-T-E stronger relationships this year:

C is for COMMIT: Make a decision to commit yourself fully to all of the relationships in your life. If you can't, that's all the answer you need. Half-hearted is better parted. Whole-hearted is love imparted.

R is for RECOGNIZE: See the person for who they are in their core being. Respond to him or her with that vision firmly in place, and you'll be a harbinger of hope. Recognizing a person's essence empowers us to believe the best about them in every situation, and nine times out of ten, be right about what's going on in their heart.

E is for ENGAGE: Much of our relating is head-to-head. While provocative or stimulating, it's not really relationship-building. Engage heart-to-heart and you'll be creating life-changing connections. Puran & Susanna Bair, authors of "Energize Your Heart," offer this quick tip to get you out of your mind and into your heart: Place your hand over your heart as you speak. The mere act of touching our hearts moves our energy into sincerity and sensitivity. Try it.

A is for ACCEPT: We know we can't change others. But we keep trying, and it's pretty darn annoying. This year, vow to give it up. Consider how your world would feel if you decided that nothing and no one needed to change in order for you to show up in your life as your happy-go-lucky, wonder-filled self.

T is for TRUST: Everyone has inherent wisdom and their own life path. Try trusting that the people in your life, children and spouse included, learn best by doing what's in their hearts to do, even if it looks like a mistake to you. Firsthand experiences are the fastest learning paths. So stop teaching and preaching and get out of the way of your loved ones' learning. Interference just postpones the experiences they need to grow.

E is for ENERGIZE: We get more of whatever we energize, so with every word and action, you are choosing what you want to see more of in your relationships. What we talk about and get excited about, what we put our hearts and souls into connecting about - these are the energizers. So create conversations around how much you appreciate and admire what your loved ones are doing right, what they're not doing wrong, and what that says about who they are.

Put these tips into practice and you'll be living a life that proves your loved ones matters most.

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